Texas Wine Tours.......the PREMIERE way to visit Texas Wineries and enjoy Texas Wines in style and luxury! Visit Hill Country Wineries with 14 friends in a coach with the luxury of a limousine. http://www.texas-wine-tours.com/ 877-Tex-Wine
The tour includes:
Free Wine Tasting
Limousine Coach
Pick-up and Return
Guided tour
Behind the scenes winery tour
Lunch (at area restaurants)
Live Music (Depending on schedule)
Complimentary Bottled Water
Texas Wine Tours offers three ways you can experience Texas Hill Country Wines:
Long Tour, Short Tour or Custom Tour......
Please contact us at 877 TEX WINE, 997-TOUR, or tour@texas-wine-tours.com to discuss your needs.
Phone: 830-977-TOUR
Toll Free: 877-TEX-WINE
As always, I welcome readers to visit my websites at http://www.aboutus.org/TxRealEstateGuide.com, http://activerain.com/jenniferdahl, for real estate information about and to search for homes within the Tarrant/Hood County Area. Contact me via email, jenniferdahl@judgefite.com , or call me at (817) 235-9382 for more information.http://www.txrealestateguide.com ,
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by The Activerain Network and it's members and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of Jennifer Dahl and Century 21 Judge Fite Company. Jennifer Dahl and Century 21 Judge Fite Company are not responsible for the accuracy or content provided by The Community.