
Utility Provider Addresses and Phone Numbers for the Big Bear Area

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Big Bear

These are the utility phone numbers and addresses for the Big Bear Area. If your are a buyer you should contact the providers before the close of escrow so that their will be no interruption of service. If you are a seller, you should contact the providers and make arrangements for the transfer at the close of escrow, or have them turned off after the close of escrow takes place if the buyer does not make contact.

Steve Hirschler

Associate, The Tim Wood Group

Coldwell Banker Mountain Gallery

42153 Big Bear Blvd.

P.O. BOX 6820

Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

909 866-3481 EXT. 217 CELL 909 725-5889

Fax 909 866-3531

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Dave Sullivan
Real Estate One - Birmingham, MI
Michigan Realtor with an investor viewpoint

Great info Love saving money,  Did you know what you spend on utilities can affect your credit score. I am not promoting anything but watch this if you want to find out more.

Feb 08, 2012 12:45 AM