
Beautiful Pasadena - everything you wanted to know and more!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Pasadena Views Real Estate Team, Inc. BRE# 000872112

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City of Pasadena Website

City of Pasadena Departments

City of Pasadena Government Offices

City Services

Pasadena Heritage

Pasadena History

Bungallow Heaven

Pasadena Rose Bowl

Pasadena Playhouse

Pasadena Public Library

Pasadena Kid's Klub

Pasadena Tournament of Roses

Local Restaurants

Local Public Schools

Pasadena City College

California School of Culinary Arts

California Institute of Technology

You and thousands of other residents, neighborhood associations, business owners, schools, non-profit organizations, City Council members and city staff are part of an elite group that is helping Pasadena reclaim its reputation as a world-class city with great neighborhoods that reflect stability and care. 

Welcome to our team! 

Please take the time to look through this important information, then pitch in to help make Pasadena picture-perfect!

The following information will help you learn how to do your part in keeping our community beautiful. All telephone numbers are in the (626) area code.

Team Up to Clean Up!    744-7290
Cleaning up a neighborhood is easier if you're organized. The city's Neighborhood Connections Office offers a long list of free services to support the improvement efforts of residents and neighborhood associations.

Shopping Cart Hotline    744-8CART
Shopping carts are the property of supermarkets and should not be stolen from the premises under any circumstances. When you call the hotline to report abandoned shopping carts in your neighborhood, you'll leave detailed information in voicemail and the carts will be picked up in a day or so.

Graffiti Hotline    744-7622
The City of Pasadena has a zero tolerance policy for graffiti and is committed to removing graffiti within 24 hours of it being reported. Call any time, day or night, to give the address or location, a description of the graffiti and other information.

Illegal Signs    744-4633
Illegal signs are a big source of clutter in neighborhoods, advertising everything from yard sales to gun shows. Stapling, taping or otherwise affixing these signs to telephone poles, street trees and light standards is illegal and citations can cost up 
to $500.

Unkempt Yards    744-4633
Overgrown vegetation and accumulations of junk are fire hazards as well as havens for rats and other vermin and are therefore prohibited by the Pasadena Municipal Code. So are non-working vehicles in driveways, any vehicles on front lawns or other landscaped areas, roofs in disrepair, broken steps or windows, dilapidated porches, etc.

Tree Care    744-4321
In addition to the public right of way, the city's amended Tree Protection Ordinance addresses mature and healthy trees on private property, limited to native, landmark and specimen trees including oaks, sycamores, camphors and more. 

Litter    744-4158
When you're away from home and need to throw something away, don't toss it on the ground, even if it's a small scrap. Instead, look for nearby trash containers. If there's no container handy, stash your trash in a pocket or shopping bag until you can throw it away properly.

You Call, We Haul    744-4087
When you want to have appliances, mattresses, furniture and other bulky items hauled away, call at least 24 hours before your regular trash collection day to schedule a free pick-up. Then set your items next to your trash cans on your regular trash day no later than 7 a.m. Single-family homes and units in small apartment complexes get one free pick-up per year. Additional pick-ups are available for a fee depending on the size of 
the load and types of items. Sorry, this service is not available to apartment dwellers in complexes of five units or more.

Trash Cans    744-4633
The Pasadena Municipal Code (PMC) requires trash cans and recycle bins to be placed on the curb no more than 24 hours before or after the regular trash pick-up day. Then they must be stored in an area that is not visible from the street. 

Recycling    744-4721
You can put more items than you may realize in your 
blue-lidded recycling container, even empty aerosol cans, rinsed-out food and beverage containers, flattened boxes, phone books and plastic containers with a number 1 through 7 in a triangle on the bottom.

E-cycling    1-888-CLEAN-LA
The city's bulky item pick-up service can't accept computers and other electronic equipment and these items are no longer permitted in landfills. Call for a schedule of Los Angeles-area e-cycling events or go to

Help Us Help the Community 
Provide your comments about trash, recycling, and streets at
Provide your comments about other issues, from unmaintained properties to abandoned vehicles, at

Yard Sales 
For information      744-4200 
Report an offender 744-4633

Illegal yard sales are creating traffic back-up and neighborhood blight. Permits are required for all yard sales in Pasadena and can be purchased from the city's Permit Center at 175 N. Garfield Ave. Two yard sales per address are allowed each year, including apartment complexes. Join with your neighbors and hold combined yard sales from time to time! You may place a sign on your property but not in the public right of way.

Clean Up after Rover    744-4633
You can help keep streets, gutters, storm drains, parks and your neighborhood clean by picking up after your pet. Buy a scooper at the pet store or use an old plastic grocery bag to clean up droppings wherever they fall. The Pasadena Municipal Code requires that you clean up any droppings within five minutes, whether your dog leaves them on public property (parks, sidewalks, parkways, etc.) or on private property. Then simply close the bag and drop it in a city trash receptacle or your own garbage can. 

It's the Law!    744-4124
The Pasadena Municipal Code includes rules and regulations for everyone to follow so this can continue to be an outstanding community. Copies are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, Room 237 at Pasadena City Hall; Pasadena Central Library; and at


Show All Comments Sort:
Eric Bouler
Gardner Realtors, Licensed in La. - New Orleans, LA
Listening to your Needs
Wow? you guys have a very organized society. Wish we could take some of your Pasadena ideas. We have a hard time keeping murders to a couple per week. By the way I was born in Pasadena. Good blog! 
Feb 03, 2007 03:58 PM
Irina Netchaev
Pasadena Views Real Estate Team, Inc. - Pasadena, CA
Pasadena CA Real Estate

Thanks Eric!  Not sure where you are, but when you're back in your hometown, stop on by and visit Keller Williams on Fair Oaks.  :-)


Feb 03, 2007 04:04 PM
Eric Bouler
Gardner Realtors, Licensed in La. - New Orleans, LA
Listening to your Needs
I live in New Orleans. I was born near the Rose Bowl many years ago. Moved at an early age. If we had all those rules the jails would not be big enough if enforced. I am not kidding? 
Feb 03, 2007 04:08 PM
Irina Netchaev
Pasadena Views Real Estate Team, Inc. - Pasadena, CA
Pasadena CA Real Estate

Eric, that is really sad... And, with Hurricane Katrina and all the rebuilding, I'm sure that it must be pretty tough.  Hang in there and stay in touch!

Feb 03, 2007 04:13 PM