
Joys of the Owner/Builder, A joke

Real Estate Agent with Prudential Northeast Properties
Definition:  I built:  

First you take a hammer, then you cut a bunch of wood... Then you knock the sticks together with some other sticks, get some new ideas and pull it all apart.   Next spend some more money, have an argument with your wife about the sticks, stick some stuff between the sticks, try to live in it, and move out.  Now run some other stuff between the sticks, then run some water through the sticks to make sure it doesn't leak.  Put some more expensive stuff here and there, plug the other stuff in, and slap some paint on the parts you can still see. 

 Now put the house on the market for what feels like less than the sum of the parts, and you know what it means to build!

A slightly cynical take on the joys of amateur homebuilding, from personal experience.  I hope this doesn't discourage anyone!