
Blog Talk Radio - A Real Estate Agents Marketing Tool?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Virtual and The Writing


  There is a Marketing tool that could benefit the real estate industry very well.  For those not familiar with it, it's called, Blog Talk Radio.  Another VA and I cohost a show every Saturday afternoon.  That's what gave me the idea that this would be a great tool for all Real Estate Agents.  You can interview people..they call in, ask questions, talk, discuss....and it's great as long as you don't impose your views in the manner, liberal, Neal Boortz does!  You know, the infamous syndicated Radio Talk Show host?! :)

 It's a great concept and a good vehicle for having fun, marketing your business, or having some interesting conversations on the radio.  And the best part, is the flexibility it gives you to do what you want for marketing your business as a service.

Can you imagine the conversations you would have;  the telephone inundated with callers for example,  if the topic were the housing market today?  You could interiew mortgage companies; bank associates; buyers, sellars, other agents to get ideas, just like you do right here in Active Rain...except your on the computer at Blog Talk Radio.

All you need are headphones with a mic.  NO fancy equipment.  It is a good way to network with potential clients as well...can you imagine a phone call from someone who is afraid that their home is going to be foreclosed on and are looking for help?  What about those first time buyers, calling in for "how to's"?  Those who can't get financing, need lots of help today...and the list goes on as you know.  The avenues are endless.

For marketing you provide seminars;   Invite Mortgage people to be your guest,  You could interview inspectors and what they look for when they inspect homes;  Even interview designers, interior decorators...I could just go on and on!!!  So could you!

Think about it seriously.  It's a tool that hasn't been tapped and could catch on quick.  The show I co-host is for parents and kids.  We do crafts, interview authors, parents, special needs specialists, and anything to do with kids.  We also provide a storytelling segment. 

Think about it...could be a new and innovative way to market yourselves! 

Maybe it will be a nice break from blogging;  blogging about RE, to talking live about Real Estate!



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Tom Davis
Harrington ERA,DE Homes For Sale, $$ Save $$ Buy Today ! - Dover, DE
FREE Delaware Homes Search!, $$ Save $$ - Find Homes! Delaware Realtor

I have heard about this before on here once but never dug into it, i will subscribe to your blog and get back to it!  This does sound interesting!  Thanks

Mar 10, 2008 03:55 PM
The Michael Pierce Team
Better Homes & Gardens Kansas City Homes - Leawood, KS
Kansas City Real Estate Experts

I have signed up but have yet to record anything.  It will be interesting to see if this takes off.

Kansas City Real Estate


Mar 10, 2008 04:05 PM
Crystal Pina
774.289.5521 - Worcester, MA
Remax Professional Associates

Sounds like a cool, non-threatening way to get your message out to your local market. People will ask questions because they know they are anonymous.

Mar 10, 2008 04:49 PM
Carrie Lower
Internetradio is a great way to reach an extended audience. There are several options out in addition to Blog Talk, I have done some work with them as well as PIVTR.  I wish you the best with your show
Mar 18, 2008 09:59 AM
Lidia Griffin
Suwanee, GA
Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Mary Beth - congratulations on your show.  It's always great to see VAs thinking outside of the box and acquainting themselves with new technology. The possibilities with Blog Talk are endless - I will be interested to see what others have to say about their experiences with it.

For anyone who is interested in checking out recent real estate discussions click here.

Lidia Griffin

May 26, 2008 12:54 PM