Every night you probably get at least one phone call from someone offering you a new loan. Not only does this person know your name & your phone number, but they know everything about your loan. Who it's with, when it's maturing and the interest rate. Shocked? What else do they know? Who told them all about you?
Well, the answer is simple. Once we record a deed to become homeowners, our information becomes public. There are actual companies who fish through the records at the county to find grant deeds recorded what types of loans you have and the amount you owe on your home. They then sell this information to title companies who then provide it to realtors and lenders.
Is this against the law you might ask? No. Once our in information is on record at the county. Anyone can walk in and see it. If you don't want these people to be contacting you, just tell them to take you off there list. If they still continue to call, document it and sign up your telephone number on the Do Not Call Registry.
Most Realtors and lenders are using scrubbed lists so they aren't bothering people but once in a while a number may squeak by. Email us for more information.