
Out of Town Agents? Should They Sell or Refer?

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Revolution

Cooperation in Kansas CityThis post is inspired by one that Brenda just wrote (check it out here) and I wanted to chime in. The essence is how agents cooperate with out-of-town agents who bring their buyers into that territory. Brenda was faced with some disappointing results but I wanted to share a cool story of how it "should" be.

I sold a home in Kansas City and my sellers were being transferred 3 hours away to a satellite campus for his work. (These are 5-star clients and amazing people by the way!) They asked if I can help them buy their new house and I offered to find them a great agent in that area.

To my surprise, they said they wanted me to represent them! I explained that I did not know that area, nor prices/market data but they were comfortable with my ability to represent them. They had friends there who told them the schools and neighborhoods they needed to look at, so equipped with a printout that they handed me, he said, "Our next house is one of these five houses. Can we go look at them this weekend?"  Um, yes.


Isn't it amazing that our clients are using this amazing tool to allow us to serve them better?? I hope we as agents are focusing a TON of effort to make ourselves visible in this medium.


Anyway, long story short, I coordinated with all the listing agents to get keys and/or have the doors opened for me since my e-key won't work in their district. EVERY agent was more than willing to welcome me and make the deal happen. In fact, the agent we bought from also sent me MLS data from that neighborhood as well as other area facts. 


**Sidebar #2** THE "BY OWNER" HOUSE LOST
Are you listening FSBOs?? We scheduled all of these from Kansas City, and when we arrived in the neighborhood of choice ($300K houses) we found TWO For-sale-by-owner houses that did NOT show up on the internet. They missed a big opportunity with our buyers not even knowing they existed and we bought their neighbor's house. Lesson learned?


Sorry abou the rabbit trail. ANYWAY, I just wanted to thank the agents in Columbia, Missouri for welcoming this Kansas City agent with open arms and being PROFESSIONAL and working to make the deal happen. I can't wait to help that next agent who comes in from out of town to KC that I can return the favor.

Posted by

  Jay O'Brien, Kansas City : Social Media Guy (RE/MAX Revolution)Jay O'Brien
RE/MAX Revolution, Kansas City, Missouri


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Kathy Stoltman
Ventura, CA

Hi Jay, I will usually refer out to an agent who is local to the client's desired area, but, there has been that very rare case when I have represented a buyer for an out of area home.

Aug 27, 2013 01:39 AM
Marc McMaster
RE/MAX Centre Realty - State College, PA
Putting my clients before myself

I think if I were going to do that I would make the clients sign a waiver about my knowledge of that area.  I cna see a scenario down the road where they find out they paid too much or bought in a bad area that they might come back for some sort of financial remuneration.

Aug 27, 2013 01:48 AM
Maria Morton
Platinum Realty - Kansas City, MO
Kansas City Real Estate 816-560-3758

Jay, it's good to hear that the agents in Columbia treated you so well. And nice of you to step out of your comfort zone to help your clients. Good story. 

Aug 27, 2013 11:34 AM
Brenda McClain
Cibolo, TX
Brenda McClain

Jay - I loved reading your story.  It's all about what our clients want - my clients too didn't want to part with me.  When you find someone who you know will take care of your needs and look after your best interest, no matter what your profession...then you stick with them!  Good job in finding them their dream home and the commitment you made to them! 

Aug 28, 2013 12:21 AM
Ralph Gorgoglione
Metro Life Homes - Palm Springs, CA
California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407

Thanks for sharing your story Jay. Glad that your experience working out of your area was received well by the agents in the new area.

Aug 28, 2013 09:28 AM
Joe Petrowsky
Mortgage Consultant, Right Trac Financial Group, Inc. NMLS # 2709 - Manchester, CT
Your Mortgage Consultant for Life

Nice job with you post. I refer clients throughout the AR family, as local as I possibly can.

Sep 12, 2013 05:27 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Thanks for sharing your success story. You would not find the same welcoming reaction in many communities. On our urban market, there are frequent access requests from people that are pretending to be agents so they can steal whatever is available.

Sep 17, 2013 03:08 AM
Gita Bantwal
RE/MAX Centre Realtors - Warwick, PA
REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel

Thank you for sharing the inspirational story. You are a good agent so your clients preferred to use you .

Sep 29, 2013 02:34 AM