Recently, I received few phone calls from a blocked number. I have a program that reveals any blocked numbers so I know exactly these calls were coming from the same Missoula, MT, phone number.
Later I noticed that there was one voicemail message left on my phone asking me to call back because he has a client looking to buy a house in Lane County and said it was kind of urgent. I called back to ask for detail but my call went straight to a voice mail. Out of curiosity, I googled this number and I found a few postings from people who received a call from the same number. According to these people, this was a telemarketer looking to sell a real estate referral program for $97 per month. These postings I found were not kidding because the next day someone called me back from the same number and asked me to check his website.
Oh well, we’re all looking for a creative way to get our businesses out there, but why blocking the number? Why lying?
PS. I won't post the number nor the website here.