
Real Estate in Dallas Fort worth

Real Estate Agent with BlueMark, LLC

The housing market may be melting down, but experts identify Dallas as one of the 10 cities that have just about hit rock bottom - and offer opportunities for savvy investors to get in while the getting's good.

Dallas Fort Worth (Texas) is one of the few places where the Real Estate Market have not been affected as bad as other States in the Country. Dallas is also on the 10 top best cities to live in in the US.

This is a great time to buy. With lots of choices for the buyers, great interest rates and a promissing increment in home values coming up.


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Pat O'Reilly
RE/MAX..214-289-6176 Irving and all of Dallas Fort Worth - Irving, TX
So true...dfw is booming..
Mar 11, 2008 12:45 PM
JDo Doe
Barrington, RI
Angelica - nice blog and Amen - it is a great time to buy!!!
Mar 11, 2008 01:27 PM
Dorene Shirley
The Mortgage & Property Connection - Campbell, CA
Silicon Valley Real Estate
Angelica -Welcome to the Rain, make sure that you browse the site and become familiar with everything this site has to offer.  The more you browse the more you will learn.  I have found this site to be really helpful to me.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me, I will do whatever I can to help you.   Keep Posting!


Mar 11, 2008 11:50 PM