
Kauai Vacation Rental Bill Passed

Real Estate Agent with KW Main Line RS317895

After several years of public hearings, controversies and threats of law suits, the County Commission passed Ordinance 864, a Vacation Rental Ordinance implementing new restrictions on vacation rentals in residential areas.  For a complete copy of the signed ordinance, email me at

If you own a Kauai vacation rental property, check out where you can find in-depth information about an exciting alternative to keep your 2nd home for your own use, and sell off portions, or "fractions", to other owners.  This could be a great solution to realize equity gain while securing your right to enjoy your home on Kauai.  Fractional Ownership is a growing trend on Kauai, and if done right, may offer you the best of both worlds :)

Kauai Resort Second Homes