How to get the most from your Lake Anna REALTOR®.
I enjoy meeting new people. I love to help them. I enjoy showing Lake Anna and available properties…BUT. It can be a bit daunting when folks drop in unexpectedly and want to be taken out immediately to look. To look at what?
We have waterfront homes, waterfront land, water view homes, water view lots, water access homes, water access lots plus homes and lots that do not have access to the lake other than through the marinas or the state park. Prices range from the high $20,000s to the millions.
Many that have never been to Lake Anna think they are coming to a rural spot way out in the country where the prices are naturally much, much lower than where they live. That is definitely not the case. If they have not looked at water oriented property before they do not realize what a premium it is.
What type of property would they like to look at? They don’t know but they do want to look at something
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What price range do they have in mind? They are not sure. It all depends.
- Depends on? Depends on if they find something they like.
That is why we prefer to have appointments, so we can send buyers (preferably by e-mail) a variety of properties with information on Lake Anna. They will have a better idea of what they would like to look at. We want to do the best job possible.
Often our walk-ins have family members sitting outside in the car. We invite them to come in but they want to look at “places” right now so let’s get this show on the road. Off we go but I don’t always feel that I am able to do the best job possible.
Would I welcome someone with open arms if they walked through the door? Of course! Can I do a bit better the first time around if I have some preparation time first? YES!