
New Study finds link between Copper Ingestion through Water and Diet to Alzheimer’s Disease

Home Inspector with Northeast Water Wells Inc NH Lic# 59,60 and MA 762

The Metal Copper found in Water and Diet is now Being Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease.

Late the other night while watching the evening news I caught a clip regarding a topic that hit pretty close to home regarding copper in water being linked to the debilitating disease that has crippled many Americans including my late great grandmother. Being a water systems operator and water professional I immediately understood the importance of getting this information out to consumers.

In late August 2013 a new study conducted by the University of Rochester Medical center is now linking the metal copper which can be found in traces in both food and water to the debilitating disease of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that worsens over time and not only effects cognitive thinking but also memory and behavior. According to Alzheimer’s affects more than 5 million Americans and is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.

According to the study copper reduces the ability to flush proteins from the brain and actually encourages these proteins to clump. If you would like to learn more about the study check out the article:

As a water professional its always been my understanding that its unusual for copper to be naturally present in water at high levels. Typically, the main way copper is introduced to a water supply is through acid water and low PH levels. Without getting into AP chemistry it’s important to understand that a neutral ph is 7 any PH levels falling below 7 are considered corrosive and acid. Acids are oxidizing agents that make metals such as copper corrode after long exposures these metals leach into the water supplies at detectable and possibly toxic levels. Low PH is not only an issue with Copper but also Lead from the solder used to seal the joints in the plumbing system. It’s extremely important as well owners to be performing water quality testing at least bi yearly to ensure contaminants are not present.  

Northeast Water Wells Inc typically recommends the following testing schedule:

·        Bacteria Yearly

·        General organic and inorganic Bi- yearly

·        Comprehensive scan every three to five years

·        Extensive testing including Volatile Organic Scan every seven to ten years


If you live in Massachusetts and New Hampshire and have any further questions regarding water quality testing or copper in water please don’t hesitate to call our office. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.

This Article was written by Ashley Connolly Operations Manager