
Time on our hands to go back to the drawing board: TRAINING BRUSH UP TIME

Real Estate Agent with Hacienda Home Sales

Business has definitely s l o w e d  d o w n, so it's a good time to refine our skills.

 There are so many classes available though our Board of Realtors. Regardless of the years I've been in R.E. (22), I try to go regularly to take a class.  I have always come out learning a new skill, detail or technological breakthrough that makes a difference in a way that will improve my performance, business-wise.

My advise to you: Check out what classes are being offered (some FREE) and take the time to go, now that you have some extra time on your hands.

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Cristal Drake
Circa Properties - Fullerton, CA
Realtor - Fullerton Real Estate
Great idea!  Knowlege is power and it is good to be ready for everything!  your clients will thank you!
Mar 13, 2008 07:06 AM