Are You a Buffalo or a Cow When it Comes to Problem Solving?
Here in San Francisco, one of the most important roles your real estate agent plays for you is in being a problem solver. From preparing to sell your San Francisco home, or preparing to buy your first property, the best agents will guide you in ways that prevent problems down the road. And while prevention is best, when issues challenge a transaction, great agents will tackle those as they arrise to keep a transaction as smooth as possible. I really appreciate Debbie's take on sharing this metaphor of our attitude and behavior as we address problem solving.
Are You a Buffalo or a Cow When it Comes to Problem Solving?
I heard a great story at my state convention about problem solving. The speaker was referring to problems solving, procrastination and putting off dealing with them.Here is how the buffalo and the cow deal with the storms in their lives. When a storm is approaching the cow hunkers down. When it is finally near and there is no chance of escaping it's wrath he moves with the storm in the same direction the storm is traveling. By doing this he is prolonging the agony and brings more pain and discomfort upon himself.
The buffalo sees a storm coming and runs into the storm. By doing this, he travels through the storm faster cutting down on the time of his discomfort. Soon the storm is behind him and the skies are blue again.
Are You a Buffalo or a Cow When it Comes to Problem Solving? Do you tackle the problems first in your day or dwell on them and let them ruin your day? Are you putting them off hoping that they will go away? By dealing with the problems first, you get them off your mind so you can handle the rest of the day with ease.
How do you handle your problems? Are you a Buffalo or a Cow when it comes to problem solving?
Want To Know What Debbie Has to Say?
If you are needing Real Estate services in Clarksville TN it would be my pleasure to assist you!
"The Real Debbie Reynolds" at DebbieReynolds.netPrudential PenFed Realty, 2503 Wilma Rudolph Blvd., Clarksville, TN 37040
An independently owned and operated member of BRER Affiliated, Inc.
Not affiliated with Prudential. Prudential watermarks used under license.
931-920-6730 (office) 931-320-6730 (cell)