I started to create this document checklist for mortgage clients. But then it got crazy detailed!
It's a great tool for Realtors to give their clients that haven't been pre-approved yet, so they can work on getting the documents together for their Loan Officer.
It's a great tool for Loan Officers to give their clients, to prepare for loan approval and processing.
Or it's a great tool for Loan Processors to look over to make sure they haven't missed anything!
Or, it's a great tool for Buyers, as they prepare to get ready to put a contract on a home.
Not all these items may be required, but it's best to submit everything you can to your Loan Officer / Processor so that they can 'pick and choose' what they need in order to get your approval.
Preparation is key to a:
- Smooth transaction
- Timely clsoing
- Happy Buyer
- Satisfied Agent
- Satisfied Seller
- Stress-free transaction
Please let me know if you can think of anything to add to the list!
**And I'd like to add.. If your Loan Officer IS asking for these items, they know what they are doing!**