SouthPoint Idaho Falls Id
Find similar homes for sale in the SouthPoint Idaho Falls ID Subdivision
Just south of 45th sits this great subdivision SouthPoint. Southpoint has luxury homes with meandering sidewalks and a pristine entrance..
Luxury Homes in SouthPoint Idaho Falls Id
Home generally range from:
3500-6200 sq feet
- 260K-600K in price
- have 4-6 Bedrooms
- and 2-5 Bathrooms
- built between the years of 2000-2008 time frame
Southpoint is a subdivison with high building standards and high end finishes. You are sure to enjoy living in this pretegious area. You can count on being close to town and all the shopping ammeneties when you live here.
If you would like to know how your home fares to the current market. Get a Free Market Analysis on your home by filling out this simple form
South of Idaho Falls just down from the Grand Teton Mall
Just south of Idaho Falls about 2 miles from SouthPoint is the Grand Teton Mall and the 2 Hospitals in Idaho Falls. The shopping is close as are the Grocery Stores for our area.
Comore Loma is not a cookie cutter neighborhood. In fact, its a great place to call home.
If you have questions about This Neighborhood or want to find out what your home is worth, fill out this simple form.
Neighborhood Public Schools for SouthPoint area
The quality of a school can greatly influence home values in an area. On this page you'll find detailed information on school districts, school ratings, test scores by grade, student-teacher ratio, and much more.
Community Schools serving this Neighborhood, are:
- Sunnyside Elementary
- Taylorview Jr. High School
- Idaho Falls High School
To get local school scores and more information about these schools check out Idaho Falls School Reports on our website.
Free Market Report for the SouthPoint Idaho Falls Id Neighborhood