
San Bernardino Mountains: Even Bald Eagles vacation here

Real Estate Sales Representative with Coldwell Banker Sky Ridge Realty

 Bald Eagle Census

"Big Bear Lake, CA - The fourth and final bald eagle census of 2008 spotted six (6) adults and two (2) immatures as volunteers spent an hour last Saturday observing eagles at several mountain area lakes....

Eleven volunteers at Lake Arrowhead observed one (1) adult bald eagle. Twenty-two volunteers observed two (2) adult eagles at Lake Hemet. Volunteers at Lake Silverwood observed two (2) adults....

Thus a total of at least eight (8) bald eagles (6 adults, 2 immature) are currently spending their winter vacations in the San Bernardino and San Jacinto Mountains."
(Michael P. Neufeld)

Apparently since the lakes and rivers up north freeze in the winter and ours do not, the Bald Eagles choose to vacation here.

I have to agree! What a great place to vacation, not only for the great food, but also all of the beauty and entertainment mountain-wide.

If you'd like to make your vacation destination home (or even part-time home) give me a call! This is the place and I am the Realtor for you.


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April Hayden-Munson
Brookfield, WI
Brookfield Wisconsin Real Estate
Holly, Thanks for commenting on my Blog.  What beautiful photos you have on some of your blogs!
Mar 13, 2008 02:08 PM