
What are the Best Schools in Chapel Hill, NC?

Real Estate Agent with Triangle Area Real Estate 146786

The Chapel Hill/Carrboro School District

They are all excellent so you won't go wrong if you buy a home in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City School District. The Chapel Hill Public Schools are known as some of the best in the state. Taxes are high in Chapel Hill compared with the rest of North Carolina and home prices are high too with very few new homes for sale in the school district.  Many homes were built in the 90′s and are getting dated. It may be worth it to you to have an older, smaller home and pay higher taxes to get the best schools.  Generally the schools in the Triangle are excellent, especially Wake, Orange and Chatham Counties, so your child should get a very good education in any of the Triangle school districts.

Sometimes it’s hard to figure what homes are for sale in the Chapel Hill School District because not all homes with a Chapel Hill address are part of the Chapel Hill School District.  Homes with a Chapel Hill address may be in the North Chatham School District or in the Durham School District. The easiest way to find only homes with Chapel Hill/Carrboro schools is to contact me 919-274-4365.  I’ll explain why, set you up with an auto search that includes only the schools you want or see or help you find just what you want.  If you prefer to look on your own, take a look at my lifestyle map (opens in a new page) that shows all of the homes for sale in the Chapel Hill School District. It only works on a desktop right now but I’ll have a mobile version soon. Below the map on this page  is information about each of the schools with test scores.

Chapel Hill school district map search

Click on the map to see houses for sale in the Chapel Hill School district