
Welcome to Meriden, CT -

Real Estate Agent with Realty Associates


Hanging Hills


Meriden, CT is nestled between two of Connecticut's major cities, New Haven and Hartford-  interstate 91 and 691 run directly through Meriden allowing convenient access to commuters and travelers.

Anyone who has ever traveled these interstates through Meriden can see that Meriden is surrounded by some of New Englands finest Traprock Ridges.

These ridges also known as the Hanging Hills, offer year round beauty.  Residence and vistors can enjoy the views from many areas around the Silver City. East Peak/West Peak and Lamentation Mountain surround the city acting as a protective shield and offer many recreational activities.

Castle Craig Tower located in Hubbard Park, home of the Daffodil Festival, stands on top of East Peak. The tower stands 1002 ft above sea level and offers impressive views of the Greater Meriden area. On a clear day you may even get a glimpse of Long Island Sound.

Castle Craig