How To Get The Best Home Buyers In Nanaimo
If you want to attract the best Nanaimo home buyers, you've got to stay on top of the latest trends. National Association of Realtors ( NAR), recently issued a new report that examines the generational differences of home buyers and sellers.
Here's the highlights of the latest research on what today's generation of home buyers and sellers are really doing:
As age increases among home buyers the rate of owning more than one home also increases.
Younger buyers typically buy because they want a home of their own, while older buyers tend to purchase where they can be closer to friends, family and relatives.
Buyers younger than 32 years of age are almost always first-time home buyers, while with those buyers 67 years or older only 5% are first-time home buyers.
Income for home buyers normally peaks between 33 and 57 years of age and once buyers reach the age of 47 they tend to be 'empty nesters' and are looking for a house for only themselves, without the kids.
The G.I. Generation accounts for less than 1% of today's home buyers. The peak buying demographic group is Generation X, followed by Generation Y, then the Young Baby Boomers, the Older Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation.
The prior living experience of today's home buyer is a lot different from what it used to be. 65% of the buyers younger than 32 usually have been renting an apartment and 22% have been living with friends, family or relatives. As buyers get older their 'home owning' experience tends to increase, and by the time buyers are 58 years old almost 2/3rds of them will have owned a home before.
Knowing and staying on top of the latest home buyer trends and research helps you to send the right message to attract the highest number of qualified buyers when your home in Nanaimo is on the market.