
Agent Communication

Real Estate Broker/Owner with ReeBroker Group BRE 01428532

Why is it that some agents are so bad at communication? I know agents are busy listing and selling property, but you must include time in your daily plan to return phone calls and e-mails. The most common complaint i get from clients who have dumped their last agent is that the agent never returned calls or messages and was never available. I make it a habit to return calls and emails within 24 hours. If i am not able I set an away message to cover me when it may take an extra day. Everybody likes to know that they are important to you. If I buyer is looking to buy a home in Palmdale or Lancaster and they call an agent and the agent does not respond, they keep calling agents until they get a response. 

Posted by

Johnny James

CA Real Estate Broker

BRE Broker #  01428532

NMLS License # 1222269

(661) 233-5189

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Jean Jannopoulo
Love where you live - Sarasota, FL
Bright Realty

Almost as bad are the agents who are too busy doing something more important than participating in the transaction at hand.  I had a listing agent tell me (as she was too busy to come to the home inspection on her own listing), that she couldn't address an issue with a swimming pool because she was out shopping. I actually would rather not ever talk to her again!

Oct 14, 2013 11:12 PM
Woody Edwards
First Choice Realty, Inc - Chesterfield, VA
A Realtor® Who Answers His Phone!

I love those agents in my area.  I can't tell you how many clients I have picked up due to "just answering the phone".

Oct 14, 2013 11:18 PM
Charita Cadenhead
eXp Realty - Birmingham, AL
Serving Jefferson and Shelby Counties (Alabama)

Rude, uncaring or message may have slipped under the radar.  Those are the only reasons I can think of why agents don't return phone calls.  As for slipping under the radar, that reason only flies once.  After that,it can just be classifed as rude and uncaring.

Oct 14, 2013 11:24 PM
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Real Estate Broker Retired

I was constantly snubbed by a high profile agent just earlier this year. I don't care what form of communication, 3 days was the earliest which is just ridiculous.

Many times though, sellers are unrealistic. I've had one seller say that an hour was too long & we ended up parting ways because I just couldn't stand her 'do it now' attitude on the most mundane of details.

Oct 14, 2013 11:43 PM
Michael Ha Elmhurst
Rego Park, Forest Hills, Jackson Heights, Corona, Middle Village - Elmhurst, NY
Woodside, Maspeth

This is one reason why realtors are generalized as bad agents in some movies. Communication is a very crucial device of gaining your clients' trust. Otherwise, this also means loss of a hot lead and income.

Oct 14, 2013 11:59 PM
Edward & Celia Maddox
The Celtic Connection Realty - Queen Creek, AZ

Sometimes you wonder how they stay in business.  Must have a rich uncle.

Oct 15, 2013 12:40 AM
Kimo Jarrett
Cyber Properties - Huntington Beach, CA
Pro Lifestyle Solutions

An excellent post that every agent should apply to their business. I'm starting to text who I call and left a voice mail to check their voice mail messages if it's urgent and very important.

Oct 15, 2013 01:20 AM
Jordan Gouger
Keller Williams Realty Inc. - Austin, TX
Helping you to achieve your housing goals!

While it is possible that some agents just become too busy, it is not an excuse. In this business communication is imperative.

Oct 15, 2013 01:39 AM
Sharon Parisi
United Real Estate Dallas - Dallas, TX
Dallas Homes

Johnny, communication is at the top of the list when it comes to a real estate transaction. When a call is not returned, I call the other party as many times as necessary.

Oct 15, 2013 02:06 AM
Travis "the SOLD man" Parker; Broker/Owner
Travis Realty - Enterprise, AL
email: / cell: 334-494-7846

I hate that as well. Been waiting on two "Top" Agents to return calls/emails regarding possible Buyers for their properties for a week now.

Oct 15, 2013 02:33 AM
Rebecca Gaujot, Realtor®
Lewisburg, WV
Lewisburg WV, the go to agent for all real estate

Johnny, it is frustrating to me when I call an agent about property and they do not call back; so I know how people feel when agents do not call them back....frustrating for sure!!

Oct 15, 2013 03:41 AM
Gene Riemenschneider
Home Point Real Estate - Brentwood, CA
Turning Houses into Homes

I got a client because I was the only one to pick up the phone and provide timely information.

Oct 15, 2013 04:10 AM
Jim Harper
Atlanta Communities Real Estate - Marietta, GA

Brother Johhny you are preaching to the choir. There are some amongst us who just don't care.

Oct 15, 2013 07:21 AM
Kimberly Whitlock
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox and Roach Realtors - Abbottstown, PA
One of my biggest pet peeves! I feel bad if I make someone wait 2 hours for me to call back. If I am in the middle of showing homes or a settlement, I will not take calls, as I believe in giving my clients my full attention, but the minute I able, I am calling or reaching out in some way.
Oct 15, 2013 09:45 AM
Bob Miller
Keller Williams Cornerstone Realty - Ocala, FL
The Ocala Dream Team

Hi Jonny, we assume there are good and bad in every profession.   We look to exceed expectations and win those clients dissatisfied with their last agent.

Oct 16, 2013 05:52 AM
Johnny James
ReeBroker Group - Palmdale, CA

I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that all of the agents on AR do not have a communication problem. You guys are the cream of the crop, able to use smartphone, email, text, web and telephone to keep everyone involved abreast of what is going on.

Oct 16, 2013 06:29 AM
Jimmy Faulkner
Florida. Homes Realty & Mortgage - Wantagh, NY
The Best Of St. Augustine

Johnny: A very important post that should be heeded by all of  us. I am eccentric about getting back to the customer right away and I have all the devices at my disposal to be accomodating to everyone. It is a fast moving world and we as realtors have to be up for the challange.

Oct 16, 2013 11:08 AM
Deleted Account
Fort Myers, FL

Great post Johnny! I tell my clients to use the 4-3-2-1 system with me.  I can be with a client for as long as 4 hours.  If you call or e-mail me and I don't respond within 4 hours, call or e-mail me again.  If I don't respond in 3 hours, call or e-mail me again, then 2 hours and then 1 hour.  If I haven't responded in those 10 hours, feel free to chew me out, because I deserve it.  I also tell them, I won't call them after 9:00, but I want them to call me after 9:00 until I answer, even if it is after midnight.  I am supposed to be there for them, not them for me.  By the way, my average response time is about 2 hours.

Oct 20, 2013 10:39 AM

That is awesome Buddy I might need to borrow that method.

Oct 20, 2013 03:10 PM
Marnie Matarese
Showing you the best of Sarasota!

I have days when I cringe when the phone rings.  Just don't feel like I can put my best face forward.  I let it go to voice mail, check the message immediately and regroup before calling back.  The only thing worse than not answering the phone is answering it when you are just not ready to be on your best footing.

Oct 21, 2013 07:37 AM