
FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND....and Counting....

Home Stager with Perceptions AdverStaging(TM), LLC


As of the most current reporting period of September 2006, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services tells us there are over 500,000 children in foster care in this country.  children behind fence


The Mean and Median is approximately 10 years of age.


Over 40% of children in foster care are with non-family members.


Almost 90% of these children receive an agency subsidy, which is equivalent to welfare.


I grew up having friends that were in the foster care system.  Their lives had a significant impact on me as a person.  In every case, their foster parents provided a safe haven, but they went without many things I took for granted and they were still wounded from previous battle scars.

Somehow, throughout my life I've become friends with others that have become foster parents themselves.  A few have even gone on to adopt many of those they've fostered.  I've often wondered and asked them how they do it.  One thing is certain, huge sacrifices are asked of and made on everyone's side - sometimes gratefully and other times not so.


I remember being a teen.  I remember raising a teen.  It wasn't easy in either case.  And while I've never been in foster care, I have heard from both sides of the fence about what it's like being a teen or raising one in foster care and I hate to be so blunt, but I'd much rather have walked in my own shoes.


Thankfully, there's a national network; a 501 (c ) 3 non-profit organization known as FosterClub meeting the needs of these youth.  They provide a voice, an ear, and personal growth outlets for those in foster logo 

FosterClub says that child abuse is the number one social concern among teens in the United States.  We're worried about the economy, teens are worried about safety.  It's enough to make you cry, isn't it?  

I'm grateful FosterClub exists.  I'm grateful youth have an avenue to make a difference in their lives.  I'm grateful I have an avenue to make a difference in the lives of the youth in this country that are in foster care through no fault of their own and I'm hoping you will be too.  Foster parenting is not for everyone.  There are many other ways to offer support.  You can find additional information about supporting FosterClub and youth in foster care here.  


Inna Hardison
ha media group - Orlando, FL
Wordpress for Real Estate & Design, Print HaMedia Group

Jackie, thank you for the link... I was doing some volunteer pr stuff for our local Guardian Ad Litem program, and got to learn more than I can forget about... Last holiday season we had initiated a drive to get decent gift for these kids that would be age appropriate - there are so many in foster homes, at least here, who can rely on nothing more than food and shelter - and don't ever get the little extras... Girls who can't go to the prom because their foster parents can't afford a dress; boys who can't take a girl out because there is never pocket money...for the older ones, and the little ones that have the blankets but not teddy bears...

Sorry for the long comment... I just know that meeting some of those kids and just talking to them for a few minutes would change anyone's perspective of what is actually necessary for any kid to not lose hope. Great cause, Jackie, and i hope this gets responses!!!

Mar 14, 2008 04:23 AM
Inna Hardison
ha media group - Orlando, FL
Wordpress for Real Estate & Design, Print HaMedia Group

Jackie, thank you for the link... I was doing some volunteer pr stuff for our local Guardian Ad Litem program, and got to learn more than I can forget about... Last holiday season we had initiated a drive to get decent gift for these kids that would be age appropriate - there are so many in foster homes, at least here, who can rely on nothing more than food and shelter - and don't ever get the little extras... Girls who can't go to the prom because their foster parents can't afford a dress; boys who can't take a girl out because there is never pocket money...for the older ones, and the little ones that have the blankets but not teddy bears...

Sorry for the long comment... I just know that meeting some of those kids and just talking to them for a few minutes would change anyone's perspective of what is actually necessary for any kid to not lose hope. Great cause, Jackie, and i hope this gets responses!!!

Mar 14, 2008 04:24 AM
Inna Hardison
ha media group - Orlando, FL
Wordpress for Real Estate & Design, Print HaMedia Group

Jackie, thank you for the link... I was doing some volunteer pr stuff for our local Guardian Ad Litem program, and got to learn more than I can forget about... Last holiday season we had initiated a drive to get decent gift for these kids that would be age appropriate - there are so many in foster homes, at least here, who can rely on nothing more than food and shelter - and don't ever get the little extras... Girls who can't go to the prom because their foster parents can't afford a dress; boys who can't take a girl out because there is never pocket money...for the older ones, and the little ones that have the blankets but not teddy bears...

Sorry for the long comment... I just know that meeting some of those kids and just talking to them for a few minutes would change anyone's perspective of what is actually necessary for any kid to not lose hope. Great cause, Jackie, and i hope this gets responses!!!

Mar 14, 2008 04:25 AM
Inna Hardison
ha media group - Orlando, FL
Wordpress for Real Estate & Design, Print HaMedia Group

Jackie, thank you for the link... I was doing some volunteer pr stuff for our local Guardian Ad Litem program, and got to learn more than I can forget about... Last holiday season we had initiated a drive to get decent gift for these kids that would be age appropriate - there are so many in foster homes, at least here, who can rely on nothing more than food and shelter - and don't ever get the little extras... Girls who can't go to the prom because their foster parents can't afford a dress; boys who can't take a girl out because there is never pocket money...for the older ones, and the little ones that have the blankets but not teddy bears...

Sorry for the long comment... I just know that meeting some of those kids and just talking to them for a few minutes would change anyone's perspective of what is actually necessary for any kid to not lose hope. Great cause, Jackie, and i hope this gets responses!!!

Mar 14, 2008 04:25 AM
Amanda Evans
DFW Living - Fort Worth, TX
Real Estate Broker - Fort Worth Texas

Jackie, Welcome to BLOG FOR A CAUSE!  Feel free to link up from my blog so that hopefully, even more people discover your cause.  It only takes a few to make a difference--let's find a few hundred.

I'm forwarding this one to my neighbor who is a Foster Parent and see if there is a level of involvement she would be interested in. 

Mar 14, 2008 05:03 AM
Jackie Peraza
Perceptions AdverStaging(TM), LLC - Framingham, MA
Home Stager - Framingham, Massachusetts

Inna- Please don't apologize for the length of your comment, I loved it and I hope FosterClub gets responses.  :o)

Somehow needs like you've mentioned have been forgotten by us ; it's easy with day to day life, but it's not easy on the kids.  

I once knew of an adult that had been a pre-teen in foster care.  He only received a pair of socks for Christmas.  Birthday presents were non-existent.  It's not that the foster family didn't want to provide more, they couldn't; they were strapped financially.  They did provide a safe and nurturing home, there just wasn't anything left for "extra's".  Teddy bears, prom dresses, spending money for movies...all "extra's".

Thank you for stopping in.  I appreciate it.


Mar 14, 2008 05:13 AM
Jackie Peraza
Perceptions AdverStaging(TM), LLC - Framingham, MA
Home Stager - Framingham, Massachusetts

Amanda - Thank you.  I've linked-up. ;)


Mar 14, 2008 05:41 AM
Judi Morgan
RETIRED - San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX Real Estate
Jackie, I'm going to check out the website.  Great cause!  I've had friends who were foster children too.  In fact, a family member had many foster children.  Funny, I never thought of the kids as being "foster children" for us they were just more "cousins" to enjoy talking to or playing games with. 
Mar 14, 2008 10:42 AM
Jackie Peraza
Perceptions AdverStaging(TM), LLC - Framingham, MA
Home Stager - Framingham, Massachusetts

Judi - Jeez, I can't wait to meet and give you a great big hug :) 

I'll bet many more foster children feel like one of the "cousins" - a testament to what goes right with a support system that frequently gets a pretty bad rap.   :o)

Thanks for checking out FosterClub!


Mar 14, 2008 01:35 PM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL
Jackie BFF than you so much for that blog.  When I lived in NE I was a respite foster care giver for children whose foster families had "better things to do" on weekends and holidays, than take care of the children they were being paid to care for.  Can you imagine what it is like for a kid to be in foster care, and not be taken with their foster family to "grandma's" house for Christmas?  Some kids are in foster care with wonderful families that truely care for them, others are in homes with people who are only looking for the money from the state.
Mar 14, 2008 01:52 PM
Gary White~Grand Rapids Home Selling Pro Call: 616-821-9375
Flexit Realty "Flexible Home Selling Solutions" - Grand Rapids, MI
Real Estate Services You can Trust!

Jackie, what an interesting and informative post.  Thanks for sharing and educating us. 


Mar 20, 2008 08:58 AM
Jackie Peraza
Perceptions AdverStaging(TM), LLC - Framingham, MA
Home Stager - Framingham, Massachusetts

Terry - Yeah, sadly those situations do exist and thankfully there are many respite foster parents like yourself that will take the kids in temporarily.  You've given another great example of support. 

Gary - You're welcome and thanks for popping in.  I wonder if you clicked on over to FosterClub...


Mar 20, 2008 04:54 PM
April Hayden-Munson
Brookfield, WI
Brookfield Wisconsin Real Estate
Jackie - What a nice Blog!  My Mom fostered several kids when I was growing up.  We didn't have much, but we shared what we had.  Just having someone who cared about the kids was a surprise to them.  It's a shame that so many are in the system... Thanks for getting some awareness out there!
Apr 06, 2008 01:47 PM
Ross Quintana
Real E Smarter - Spokane, WA
Real E Smarter Real Estate Coach - 509-362-1966
Spokane Real Estate Expert Yeah, I adopted a nephew of mine who had a troubled past and it's very difficult, but you can offer an environment of structure and love that they need and really make an impact in their lives.
Apr 09, 2008 03:15 AM
Diane Aurit
LKN Realty, LLC - Mooresville, NC
Lake Norman Real Estate
Jackie, this is great to know.  I am on a Board of Dir. of a Child Abuse Prevention organization and am getting more and more familiar with DSS cases etc.  Since 50% of abuse is children under 5 we sometimes don't realize how bad teenagers have it as well.  Thanks so much for this post!
Apr 24, 2008 10:17 AM
Steve Homer
The HBH Group (Keller Williams affiliate) - Round Rock, TX
We volunteer as weekend relief parents for those that have foster children in their home.  For more details on this program in the Greater Austin area, CLICK HERE.
Apr 27, 2008 05:48 AM
Robert L. Brown - Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Real Estate Bellabay Realty, West Mic
Wow what a figure. Where do most of these children come from? How did the number get this high?
Apr 27, 2008 06:45 AM
Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
Kingsbridge Realty, Inc - Hubert, NC
Hi Jackie,
I knew there were a lot of children in foster care but that number is mind boggling!  Foster parents are very special people with big hearts who make many sacrifices to open their homes to these children.  They need our support and prayers.  
Apr 30, 2008 03:05 AM
Jackie Peraza
Perceptions AdverStaging(TM), LLC - Framingham, MA
Home Stager - Framingham, Massachusetts

April - Your family sounds amazing!  I can only imagine the tremendous impact you all must have had on each of the fostered children.  It doesn't take much to share...just a bit, right?

Thank you for stopping in.

Ross - Fortunate nephew you have there - I hope he realizes it :)  You are a hero.

Diane - It's heart wrenching to hear and see those numbers and cases up close, isn't it?  Many of us think of the little ones during the holidays (and that IS important), but the teens sometimes get forgotten.

Steve - Thanks for stopping in and posting a local Austin area STARRY link.  Having had friends in Austin that were Foster Parents I know there are not enough relief parents in the area - Your family must hear "thank you, thank you" many times over!

Did you know that I moved the Boston area from Austin just over 2 years ago?

Robert - These children come from homes in which they have been neglected and/or abused.  The numbers are (un)fortunately that high because the State has removed the children from unsafe living conditions.

Cynthia - Isn't it mind boggling though?!  Support and prayers....and gratitude for every foster parent and relief parent :)

Thanks for stopping in.


Apr 30, 2008 04:49 AM
Tanya Venable
Orlando, FL
SEO, Mobile SEO, and Internet Marketing Consultant

Jackie - sounds like a great organization.  It takes a alot to be a good foster parent. It's nice to know that there is a now a support system in place for those families.

Jul 24, 2008 03:28 AM