
Community Service Leads to Success

Commercial Real Estate Agent with Group 1 Commercial Real Estate Consulting

Community Service Leads to Success in Commercial or Residential Real Estate.


If you are thinking about getting started in commercial real estate but don’t know how to get your feet in the water, remember that the difference between making it and breaking it usually comes down to accessing the right information and building trust with clients and the community. Commercial real estate sales often come through a trust that is built through strategic relationships. But if you are a residential agent with a good reputation it will be helpful to expand your community involement and create new relationships when you move into the commercial part of the business.

One of the best ways to build credibility in a community is through community involvement. There is an old adage that says: “No one cares about how much you know until they know how much you care.” As a commercial real estate agent your community service will not only make your target area more viable it will offer you access to business people who can make or break your career.

How should you begin? Many people join service groups like the Rotary Club, The Lions Club or the Kiwanis International.  Some clubs limit membership to one member per profession, but you can often still take part by carefully defining your career. For example, if there is a real estate agent in the Rotary Club, ask whether they have a category for commercial real estate. You can also participate in groups like the local Chamber of Commerce.

Another worthwhile approach is to lend a hand at community events. If there is a marathon in your market area, offer to help register the runners. If there is a holiday lights celebration, consider helping with the event. No matter how much time you invest, the payoff will be worthwhile when you create new contacts and build new networks.

Many people have made the connections that created their success while serving pancakes at a community breakfast or while taking donations for the local fire department. No matter what you do to help your community you will alwaysget back more than you give.

Think of it this way, almost anything you do in your market area without getting an immediate pay back counts as community service. Whether you volunteer at the Senior Center, help out at church or pay for an ad in the local newspaper that advertises a community event, your effort will be noticed! What could be better?  You will not only help your community, but you will also build relationships and a reputation that will open doors for future sales. And as a bonus you will also feel better about yourself.


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Group 1 Commercial Real Estate Consulting - Michael Sloan

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