
Halloween Saftey Tips for Children

Services for Real Estate Pros Insurance NPN # 13379201

Halloween is right around the corner, here are a few Saftey Tips to think about while out with the gobblins and gools

There are more youngsters out this night than any other night of the year and sometimes they get excited and don't pay attention to traffic.

  •  Drive with extra care and please, please don't drink and drive. 
  • Children should always have an adult accompany them.
  •  Older kids or teens that are going door to door with their friends should carry a mobile phone and tell their parents where they are going and who they are going with before leaving home. Have a predetermined time to check in.
  •  Never accept homemade treats or candies.
  • Never eat candy whose wrapper is open even slightly, has a discoloration or even a tiny pin hole. Children should never eat any candy until it's been inspected at home.
  •  Wear bright reflective costumes or add reflective material to the costume.
  • Make sure that costumes fit well to avoid falls and that masks don't compromise the child's ability to see well.

Remember to be very careful with the children Safety!

Have a safe and happy Halloween

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Carol Zingone
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty - Jacksonville Beach, FL
Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
Frank, it's really important to keep eyes open for cars; it can be tough to spot the little ones at times.
Oct 25, 2013 09:51 PM