
Homes for Sale in Comal Independent School District

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Heritage

Comal Independent School District

Homes for sale in Comal Independent School District

Find all homes for sale in Comal Independent School District. Our for sale property information is a direct feed from Central Texas and San Antonio Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and is updated several times daily.

Homes for sale in Comal Independent School District are located over 589 square miles of central Texas in parts of five counties:  Comal, Bexar, Hays, Kendall, and Guadalupe.  The communities in which homes in Comal Independent School District are located  include Canyon Lake,  Fischer, Spring Branch, Bulverde, Garden Ridge, and a portion of San Antonio and New Braunfels.  

Students living in homes in Comal Independent School district attend one of seventeen elementary schools, five middle schools, three high schools, and one alternative high school.  Comal ISD's enrollment has increased more than 40 percent since its 50th anniversary in 2006 through the end of the 2012-2013 school year making Comal ISD one of the fastest growing districts in Central Texas.  To address ongoing enrollment growth, the Comal ISD Board of Trustees adopted an order calling for a bond election on November 5, 2013.  The bond package includes funds for technology, buses, land purchases for future schools, and renovations of existing schools.

The $451 million package includes plans for two new high schools, two new middle schools, and two new elementary schools or a third middle school.  The property tax rate could increase up to 7 cents.  The bond sales would be incurred when enrollment growth justifies doing so.  The estimated tax impact would be phased in over a decade and the maximum tax rate increase of 7 cents is projected to be in affect for one year and then it would begin to decrease in accordance with property growth.   

The two new high schools and two new middle schools will be built in the south US Highway 281 area in Bexar County and along Interstate 35 in the area of Garden Ridge, where students currently travel to Canyon High School.

The election is on November  5, 2013 with early voting beginning October 21.  Visit the Comal ISD website for more information.

For a map of active and future subdivisions, click here.

2013-2014 Attendance Zones

Canyon High School & Canyon Middle  Attendance Zone

Elementary Schools
Clear Spring
Garden Ridge

Canyon High School & Church Hill  Middle  Attendance Zone

Elementary Schools
Goodwin Frazier
Hoffmann Lane
Oak Creek

Canyon Lake High School & Mountain Valley Middle Attendance Zone

Elementary Schools
Rebecca Creek
Mountain Valley

Smithson Valley High School & Smithson Valley Middle School Attendance Zone

Elementary Schools
Kinder Ranch
Rahe Bulverde
Arlon Seay
Timberwood Park

Smithson Valley High School & Spring Branch Middle Attendance Zone

Elementary Schools
Bill Brown
Indian Springs
Johnson Ranch

The quality of a school can greatly influence home values in an area On this page you'll find detailed information on school districts, school ratings, test scores by grade, student-teacher ratio, and much more.. 

To find out what your home in Comal Independent School District is worth, fill out this simple form.

Sample partial report....
hoffman lane elementary school map
Provided courtesy of Penny Pereboom
Keller Williams Realty - Heritage
453 W San Antonio St | New Braunfels, TX 78130
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Greg Steffens
Mountain Country Realty - Lake Arrowhead, CA

Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post.  Be sure to spend some time looking around at what and how others are blogging here - it is a great education and lots of fun.  Looks like you’re off to a great start…keep it up!

Oct 22, 2013 03:53 AM
Penny Pereboom
Keller Williams Heritage - New Braunfels, TX
Penny Pereboom

Thank you Greg!

Oct 22, 2013 07:53 AM