As a business owner I believe that everything rises and falls with leadership. If you look at successful companies, they usually share strong leadership. Why is leadership important? One of the things that I have observed is that people gravitate toward great leadership. Let's be clear a leader is not a manager. I really do not make a great manager however I aspire to be a strong leader. I am studying the best leaders in all industries and seeing what lessons I can take and bring to our business and team.
Are you interested in learning more about leadership? Where do you start?
1. Make a visit to the local library or bookstore and you will find many great books on leadership. There are so many options, you can find something tht fits your interest. I personally enjoy story books that are enjoyable to read. Any book by Jon Gordon is a good choice for this style book. My book shelf is full of John Maxwell books as he is the guru of Leadership books. Then there are great stories of amazing leaders so you will never run out of option.
2. Spend time with leaders in different industries. Invite someone to lunch once a month. Here is the key, ask questions.
3. Leading is not for a faint at heart. You will take one step forward, and one step back sometimes however if you learn the lessons, then it is all worth it.
4. Care about your people. When you focus on the goals of your team and not just yours, you will have an inspired group of people in your business.
5. Spend time together. Have real
The Treu Group Real Estate has defined core values. This is what we are about. We make team decisions based upon the values. They were developed as a group. It is an amazing exercise to do togehter. Creating our core values took several weeks of masterminding together.
When you committ to developing others it can be really satisfying. I hope you enoy the journey.