
Team Building

Services for Real Estate Pros with Washington Capital Partners

Commitment, Dedication and Perseverance at its best. Members of Washington Capital Partners and Leo Pareja Team embarked just about a week ago in one of the most physical demanding activities that any of us have ever been exposed to; Tough Mudder. During the week prior to the event, most of us ( actually just me ) were not as enthusiastic to go through it as the confidence of our conditioning level was not were I was hoping to be. With the push of the guys and the fact that at that stage is very hard to back down of a team activity; We, seven of us decided to make the trip to West Virginia to at which point was something more of a unknown and feared just by watching the videos of the obstacles. A dinner full of carbs the night before in preparation to the event and a night full of the rest was a must. The morning of the event. At under 40 degrees, equipped with our compression gear we got on our to such dreaded field. After a 30 minutes bus ride full of stories from previous participants and a half a mile walk to the starting line, We were ready to start. The name of this activity says it all, Tough Mudder; A hardcore obstacle course designed by men of the British Special Armed Forces to test all around strength, stamina, mental girt and camaraderie. Started with obstacles named Artic Enema where we were submerged and dived on ice cold water and others such as Electric EelEverestWarrior Carry, Walk the Plank and last but not least Electro Shock Therapy  were among the challenges of that day. Team effort was incredible. When someone slowed down, you had somebody else motivating that person to continue. Help of each and every one of us was demonstrated and as a band of brothers none of us stayed behind and successfully completed all the challenges as a group. Needles to say; coming June 2014 we are looking forward to signing up for it again. Very few things out there can test your limits like this one. Written by Daniel Huertas.

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Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

Building a team is simple; building a profitable team takes thought, strategy and the ability to follow a proved system that will ultimately result in a better lifestyle of each member and better performance for the whole company in general.

Aug 08, 2015 04:25 PM