
Why post daily if you don't have to? Social Media made easy!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with BKG - Brokerage Atlanta GA - 315107

I love social media.  I mean who doesn’t, how else can you tell 1 million people in seconds what you are eating for dinner? But posting can sometime be time consuming and in the real estate business, we know that if you get onto your favorite social media site then you will get into that “time suck” that results in you not doing what’s needed to make you the dollars you are in the business to make.  So, why post daily if you don’t have to?


I recently attend the Xplode conference here in Atlanta, Georgia.  For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s an all day technology conference for real estate professionals.  There is a full lineup of speakers and they typically aren’t on the stage but about 30 minutes tops!  So you get a lot of information very quickly!  A good friend of mine, Matt Fagioli founded the conference and has done a wonderful job lining up the best of the best in the real estate technology realm.


For me, these conferences usually become a networking tool to meet new agents and pass business cards around trying to get Short Sale referrals.  This year, I took a huge nugget of information with two websites that have already and will continue to change my world of thinking when it comes to social media posts.


When posting to your business page or even on your personal pages whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or any of the other popular sites, you must have content.  As another good friend of mine, Chad Hyams, has state for years, CONTENT IS KING!  If I haven’t remembered anything through the years, I have remembered those three words!  If you don’t have content that your friends and followers want to see then one of two things happen.  First, you will be hidden from their viewing or secondly, you will be deleted from their followings and/or friends list.


The first website that I learned of during the XPLODE conference was Feedly.  Feedly is a site that you create a username, you then determine what you want to read.  This website goes out based on your criteria and finds blog posts, websites and information based on your topic of choice.  For instance, I specialize in short sales in North Georgia.  So I want to make sure that I am following all things short sales so that I am providing my clients with the most up to date information when they have questions.  So I typed in Short Sales and there were several sites that come in and I can “follow” those sites.  You can categorize them so that you are going through several different topics.  As for myself, I chose Regional News (Local News websites and TV Channels), Do It Yourself (DIY projects that may interest my clients), Real Estate News (Short Sale Sites, Daily Realtor News, Marketing Reports for real estate). Sports, Tech, and US News.        


So as I scroll through these different topics, it gives me ideas to post on my social media sites as content for my followers.  That leads me to the second website I learned about at the XPLODE conference and that is BufferApp.  What BufferApp does, is it allows you to connect your social media to a username you create.  As you find content on the internet that you want to post then you simply send it to bufferapp who will post it right away or it will “buffer” it to be posted a pre-determined time.  This app is HUGE for me.  I enjoy Facebook, Twitter and Google+, however, I know that if I get on there while I need to be doing my Lead Generation then I will be stuck reading for 30 minutes about Jake’s Bee Hives or cousin Bobby’s new baby coming soon.  So I have preset on BufferApp to post on Facebook twice a day, I have preset on Twitter to post once a day.


So I go to Feedly, I preview the different things I want to post, when I see something I think would be of value to my followers, I click on share and it’s linked to my BufferApp.  BufferApp will then come up and ask me where I want to post this to, my personal page, a business page, twitter, linkedin.  It’s my choice.  So in the mornings when I am drinking my coffee and enjoying my few minutes of “time suck”, I can also be productive and preset my posts for the day.  I am an iPhone user and there are apps for both of these products.  They are free, however, some added features require you to upgrade your account for a nominal fee.


I love sharing the technology that I learn, should you want to know more about these awesome websites and apps.  You can contact me on Facebook, you can check out our website and contact me there as well.  


To look for homes in the North Georgia area, we would love to assist you.  You can search for homes by checking out our buyer’s website, GaRealtyGroup and searching for homes HERE

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Nakia Brooks, REALTOR ®

GA Realty Group | 2ShortSaleGuys
Keller Williams Realty – Lanier Partners


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