Searching for New Construction, 2 Story in Olathe, KS
When do you buy a Resale home or choose to build a new home. Home buying should be fun and many times it is. It's also about working with a Real Estate agent (call me at 913-205-1585) to view homes that meet your criteria of wants and needs. That's where it becomes either fun or challenging. There are many homes on the market to choose from, many homes with items you want and items that you don't like. To search new construction or resale homes, go to or email me at
Whats on your priority list of "Wants and Needs"
Kitchens and bathrooms are a high priority when searching for a home. Updated/remodeled homes are high on the list to view and compared to your criteria list. When purchasing a home, you are entitiled to be particular with your wants and needs. If you view a home not meeting your criteria list, you move on to the next home. How many homes do you have to view before you find "the right one"? How many homes do you have to view to find the home that "you've got to have"?
Consider New Construction vs. Resale
One consideration when you get to the point of frustration or being depressed of not finding the home of your dreams, is to consider new construction. Many builders in many developments/Subdivisions will contract with you to build a home to your specifications. Building a new home requires you to choose such items as: cabinet type, floor plans, colors of paint and wood stain, exterior elevation, landscaping, carpeting, wood floors etc. Most decisions are made through a design company that works with the builders specifications. You are able to pick and choose exactly what you want, the way you want it. Changes can be done through "work order changes" to document the conversation between the builder and the buyer's. Construction time can vary beyond the average of 5 months based on size of home along with many other factors. Mother nature and weather related delays are the most common.
You can get what your want, if you've got the time
Bottom line would be "to be happy and proud of the home of your dreams". You are in control of the construction of your home from the design stage to move in. There is much joy to be able to say the I helped in all aspects of building this home. Again, consider new construction when you have a lot of criteria that matters to you.