A new referral web site seems to be taking off overseas in japan MNDLS.com (Multi New Developments Listing Service Inc.) has caught the eye of someone with over 100 hits so far. Now you may say that is not a lot but they went live on the Internet yesterday and they have had hits on the site from Great Britain, Australia and Czech Republic so far.
MNDLS allows customers to search from over 100 different features when searching for that perfect new development and to make their search complete they can also order brochures or request for the developer to contact them to set an appointment to see the property and still work through their real estate agent that they know.
MNDLS allows real estate agents from around the world to join their site and post developments that pay a referral fee so other real estate agents can refer directly to that development and the real estate agent that post the development can make up to 1% on every property that development sells through the site.
Real estate agents that refer their clients to the site to search for 2nd homes, vacation homes or for a client that is moving out of their local area can get paid a minimum 2% referral fee depending on what that developer is paying. With MNDLS agents will be able to use this tool to build their business as we head into the baby boomer retirement era.
MNDLS gives both the agent and the developer an on-line tracking device to keep track of their customers Thur the buying process and customers are color coded for easy reference by both. MNDLS has had a few problems getting started but are working through them as we speak to make your experience as flawless as possible.
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