Do you love your work? Do you think real estate is fun? (More importantly, do YOUR CLIENTS think real estate is fun??)
My observation is that there is something intriguing about our real estate world that the general public is drawn to (why else would they make so many reality shows about it?) The interest is there and I wonder if we are "living up to the hype" when we work with our Buyers and Sellers.
My question is this: Do you think there is a place for FUN in real estate? I'm sure everyone will say something like "sure, ya gotta love what you do" or something like that but what is the line between fun and silly? between fun and professional? between fun and business?
Here's the fact: Real Estate is hard (ask those 95%+ of unsuccessful For Sale By Owner people). But "hard" shouldn't mean "stressful" or "boring" for our clients! Is it hard to build and run a ride at Disney world? Sure but I never know that because I am having too much fun!
Okay, reality check: life isn't roses all the time and some deals, in fact, aren't fun. My point is to take the client on a great ride and treat them special and raise the bar! Don't bring them into the muck that we deal with, unless super necessary. And finish strong to put the exclamation on thier entire EXPERIENCE with us!
My goal is to have RAVING clients because we had so much fun together as we bought and sold houses together. I want them to say or think this a minimum of two times during the transaction: "Wow! I have never experienced THAT when doing business before, much less with a Realtor!"
Let's raise the bar and have some FUN!!