
Success is About Helping Yourself By Helping Others...

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Success is About Helping Yourself By Helping Others...

If there's one thing I've learned in my years as a reverse mortgage professional is that you need others to be successful. Success is not a solitary endeavor. If anyone tells you it is, they're lying.

Think about it...

How many people do you depend on, or refer to, on a daily basis? If we did everything by ourselves, hoping for a positive outcome, I'm sure we would go insane. I'm sure some people already have.

The fact of the matter is, "successful" doesn't mean "alone", no matter how much you want to believe it does. Even if you think it does, and have concrete evidence of it, it was probably not a solo effort.

Even when we were young, we not only depended on someone else to survive, but we thrived because of it. What about our teachers would helped us discover our passions? (The good ones anyway) Or maybe a role model we imitated, in the hopes of becoming just as good as they were at whatever they did?

People say it's "lonely at the top" but I think that's more a state of mind than actual occurrence. Besides, even if it's lonely at the top, why would you want to be at the top?

Success should be shared with others, either by providing insight, sharing your experiences, offering advice, etc. Success is only as lonely as you want it to be.

Help yourself by helping others.

Interested in a reverse mortgage or simply want more information? Give PS Financial Services a call at (888) 845-6630 or email us at info@PSReverseMortgage.comWe do not pressure those who inquire.

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Information and content in this blog is original to Phil Stevenson

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Phil Stevenson

PS Financial Services

Owner and Principal Mortgage Originator

Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional (CRMP)

LO #365768

NMLS #968090

Cell: 888.845.6630

Miami Mortgages & Florida Mortgages

Copyright © 2013 by Phil Stevenson & PS Financial Services, LLC

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Rebecca Foresee
Alain Pinel Realtors - Morgan Hill, CA
Let's foresee the possibilities . and get results!

Phil,  Helping each other is a success by itself.  No one is entirely self-sufficient and lending a hand without expecting anything in return is a great thing. 

Nov 18, 2013 10:47 AM
Phil Stevenson, CRMP
PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 - Miami, FL
"Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas

Rebecca, that is very true. "No man is an island" has never been more appropriate because we are not alone, as much as we may think, and working together can be just as rewarding and fruitful, if only for the feeling of satisfaction you get after helping someone achieve their goals.

Nov 18, 2013 11:18 PM