
Looking for a home in the Somers School District?

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Realty/Coldwell Banker Commercial NRT 30SA0872839 

Looking for a home in the
Somers School District?

There are only 4-3 BR homes available today.

They range in price $259,900.00 to $349,999.00
for a 3 BR home.

We can get you into one in 45-60 days!!!

Call me today (845-590-5488) for a
consultation in my office in front of my computer.
Find your home in less time
than you thought possible!!

We will see every home in
your price range on the computer and
only view the homes you
really think will work for you.

There will be no stone left unturned!!!

Call today 845-590-5488