Here is the latest Adacroft Commons Neighborhood Housing Update from January 1, 2013 to November 2013:
Homes Currently For Sale: Adacroft Commons Neighborhood
Address Bedrooms Sq. Ft. Yr Built Basement Price
477 Edgeworthe 4 2,612 1974 Walk-out $174,949
6103 Adacroft Dr 3 1,828 1975 Daylight $209,900
Homes Pending: (Sold Price is not disclosed until closed) Adacroft Commons Neighborhood
Address List Price Sq. Ft. Date Days on the Market
469 Edgeworthe $219,900 2,500 10/22/13 7
Homes Sold this Year: Adacroft Commons Neighborhood
Address List Price Sq. Ft. Date Days on the Market Sold Price
6050 Adaway Ct $188,000 2,448 03/29/13 5 $196,000
6232 Scotthille $169,900 1,872 05/08/13 1 $155,000
6239 Adacroft $219,900 2,961 05/21/13 84 $190,000
6103 Adacroft Dr $163,000 1,828 07/26/13 8 $153,000
515 Edgeworthe $154,000 2,104 09/03/13 52 $154,000
6213 Dunbarton $173,900 1,608 10/18/13 5 $170,000
This Concludes the report for Adacroft Commons Neighborhood Housing Update for November 2013
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