How Long do short sales take with Ocwen Bank? I get a lot of calls every week on this topic so I thought I would write a small article about it so that the public can be more aware of the current situation with short sales in Miami. As a short sale specialist in Miami I do lots of short sales with Ocwen Bank and I can speak from experience. How long do short sales take with Ocwen bank is a great question that I will answer here. Ocwen bank short Sales take anywere between 2 months to 4 months. A lot of the time depends on the persons situation and if there are any other legal issues to clear up in relationship to the property. But let's just say your home is not entangled in anything other than your need to do a short sale. If that is the case than we are looking at probably 2 months from beginning to end. In extreme cases it can take more, if the buyer is going for financing then add another 2 months to that just to be on the safe side. Short Sales with Ocwen Bank are taking less time than with other banks like Suntrust and Nationstar, these two banks are notorious for taking too long and being on the very slow scale of the short sale time line. As an Ocwen Bank Short Sale Expert I will do my best to get the ball rolling right away and help with all the paperwork needed to put the short sale package together for the owner and the bank. Once all the paperwork is submitted I will be the go to contact until the transaction closes and you will not need to lift a finger. If you need more detailed and or specific advice on how the process works feel free to call me at 305-815-8532, or visit my web site at You can also visit Ocwen Banks Short Sale help web site and get additional insight into their requirements on there. Whatever you do I encourage you to try to avoid a foreclosure at all costs since that will cause a lot of damage to your credit and with a short sale that will be minimal.