Foreclosure Wednesday Novermeber 27th 2013
The following properties face foreclosure toda by their respective lein holders.
Noon at Haopili Hale Main street wailuku. At the footsteps of the courthouse building.
34 Akeu Place Kihei, HI 96753 for the sum of $000,000.00 with a thrity to ninety day right of confirmation hearing to follow. Property was bought back by the lien holder or bank. This was a NO SHOW!
104 (LWBR) Lower Waiehu Beach Road A-426 Wailuku, HI. 96793 for the sum of $000,000.00 with a thrity to ninety day right of confirmation hearing to follow. Property was bought back by the lien holder or bank. Postponed until further notice.
3575 (LHR) Lower Honopililani Road Lahaina, HI. 96760 for the sum of $000,000.00 with a thrity to ninety day right of confirmation hearing to follow. Property was bought back by the lien holder or bank. Post poned until January 9th 2014