Whether you're a real estate agent seeking to expand your client base and appeal to builders or you're a builder seeking to sell your homes more efficiently, virtual staging can provide an alternate platform that brings concepts and ideas that can now be shared to prospective buyers.
You no longer have to rely on merely a 2 dimensional floor plan that consists merely of lines, boxes and dimensions that don't mean anything to the average buyer. Now you can expand this basic idea to add depth, dimension and a more accurate sense of size and style.
Let's take it one step further, much like pictures that would be added to the MLS you can now add images of the interior and capture the product that person will be purchasing, an image presented with an element of realism that allows a buyer to dream and get excited about what they will be buying and the lifestyle they will be living. It also allows you to experiment with different looks before you go to market.
Last but not least video. When virtually staging you are not limited to just picture. You can give buyers and potential buyers full perspective what it is you're selling. Check out this video as it takes you from concept to vision that can be shared by all.