Even though national foreclosure rates have continued to drop, the threat of becoming another Las Vegas foreclosure statistic is still very real for some homeowners. It’s at least somewhat reassuring to understand that most banks don’t really want a foreclosure — so for homeowners who take an early proactive approach with their lender, losing their home does not have to be inevitable.
Mortgage Restructuring
For anyone who has fallen behind on payments, Job One is to discuss the situation with your banker. If a mortgage restructuring is possible, you may have an opportunity to refinance at a lower rate with more manageable payment amounts. In some cases, it may be possible to alter other terms of your agreement — for example, you might arrange to postpone any delinquent payments to the end of the loan’s term. You have to ask.
Payment Deferral Options
If payment failure has been caused by losing a job, a medical condition one of the other more common causes, some banks will work out payment deferral options. If you have prepared documentation to back up your hardship claim, it is more likely that the lender will be able to offer an agreement to defer your payments while you get back on track.
Short Sale
If the financial situation is such that you know you can no longer sustain regular payments, it may be best to consider a short sale — the option where the bank agrees to accept sale to a third party for a sum that falls short of the loan’s balance. It means loss of the property, but results in a better credit history than does a Las Vegas foreclosure.
A foreclosure in Las Vegas becomes inevitable if the reality of a tough financial situation isn’t recognized and addressed. If you take positive steps as soon as you realize your are going to miss a payment, you put yourself in the best position to open options that are less problematic than full foreclosure. If you find you could benefit from a strictly confidential price evaluation on your home, call me — sometimes a property can be worth more than you think!
Marcelo V. Mayol
The Mayol Realty Group
Realty One Group