You hear it often in real estate and other industries as well, I'm sure. Many agents slack off the fourth quarter as the holidays approach. They rationalize that business is slowing down with less houses on the market and less buyers to buy them. So, yawn, they will take a break, enjoy the holidays and get back in gear the first of the year. We call this 'December Thinking.' It is a mindset that says you can put your career on hold for a few months and expect it to be waiting there when you come back.
These agents live off their summer earnings and by the time January rolls around, they come running back in the door trying to rev up their business. They are the ones whining at the water cooler at how slow things are and how hard this business is. They are the 80% that are out the door in the first five years of real estate.
We don't do 'December Thinking.' We work hard 12 months of the year, and historically, December is one of our busiest months. This December is proving no different, with five contracts being written or negotiated over the last week and buyers scrambling to close by the end of the year.
There is a saying that if you want something done, ask a busy person. This time of year, ask a busy real estate agent like us, instead of one with December Thinking who has put a 'closed' sign on their virtual real estate door.