Ok, its supposedly the coldest day in Denver in three years. At 1pm and 11 degrees I'll go ahead personally and verify that claim.
Have you ever been locked out of property due to a frozen lockbox? Here are a couple tips to get them open and prevent them from freezing.
#1. Travel with a hammer, flathead screwdriver, paper towels and WD40. If the lockbox has collected water and frozen, a light tap can break the ice and get the gears turning. Once you have it open, and it is your lockbox, give it some wd40 in the gears and the hinge. Wipe off the excess. If the lockbox is not yours, let the seller or listing agent know.
#2. Thaw it. This is not the easiest step but it will work. Either really hot water or a hair dryer can heat it up so the ice melts. Switch the open lockbox out with a dry one if you use hot water. This is not the best one to execute if you are locked out of a house.
#3. Think where you hang it. Face up and unprotected, it will collect water and can either rust or freeze. Under a porch, on a doorknob or just hanging vertically will help avoid ice and or rust.