
Success Is Earned, Not Given

Mortgage and Lending with PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 365768

Success Is Earned, Not Given

Being a self starter is difficult business. Even being successful in a company of millions can become a hassle, and, after months (maybe years) of yearning for success, and not achieving it, you wonder why you're not as successful as you should be.

I think it's an important factor to consider. Does success equal happiness or fulfillment? No, but we like to feel like we have accomplished something worthwhile, that all the time and sweat we have input into our jobs has not been a waste of time.

Having said that, I think there are reasons why people are not as successful as they should be, according to the National Federal of Independent.

In a nutshell...

  • Don't be lazy or fearful or negative.
  • You should set goals, manage your time wisely and think ahead.
  • Don't think social media, entitlement or the "x" factor will solve everything.
  • There is no one stopping you from being successful but yourself, so believe you can be successful and stop over analyzing everything.
  • You have to want to be successful to be successful.

It all seems simple enough. Just avoid all of these and you'll be successful but it's always easier said than done. Some take more will power than others but it can be done. Waking up with a positive attitude everyday is already one step in the right direction because it will affect how you conduct yourself in public.

Your business and your clients will thank you for it.

Interested in a reverse mortgage or simply want more information? Give PS Financial Services a call at (888) 845-6630 or email us at  info@PSReverseMortgage.comWe do not pressure those who inquire, we are simply here to help.

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Information and content in this blog is original to Phil Stevenson

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Phil Stevenson

PS Financial Services

Owner and Principal Mortgage Originator

Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional (CRMP)

LO #365768

NMLS #968090

Cell: 888.845.6630

Miami Mortgages & Florida Mortgages

Copyright © 2013 by Phil Stevenson & PS Financial Services, LLC

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Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Good post as many work on their business plans.

By the way, only five of your recent blogs are visible to viewers.

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Dec 09, 2013 03:55 AM
Phil Stevenson, CRMP
PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 - Miami, FL
"Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas

Roy, I keep on confusing what others can see and what I can see. I'll try to see what's up but, if anything, email Kerrie and she'll answer right away

Dec 09, 2013 03:58 AM
Rebecca Foresee
Alain Pinel Realtors - Morgan Hill, CA
Let's foresee the possibilities . and get results!

Phil, Great points!  I start each day thankful and that goes a long way to helping me through whatever happens.  One other point (at least for me) is that we need to know what success looks like to us. 

Dec 09, 2013 12:45 PM
Phil Stevenson, CRMP
PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 - Miami, FL
"Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas

Rebecca, excellent point! Success does mean different things for different people, that's why we should determine our goals beforehand so that we know what we need and know we have succeeded when we do. Thanks for your comment!

Dec 10, 2013 11:14 PM