
Your Perfect Neighborhood

Real Estate Agent with Real-a-Save

The problem with most real estate search engines is that you have to search by zip codes, cities, or VERY LARGE areas.  Sometimes you may have a very specific area that you'd like to search.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to limit your Denver real estate search to an area on a map by drawing your own boundaries?  You could create your own "perfect neighborhood" and limit your search to this region.  Even better, you'd be notified by email whenever a new home came on the market in this neighborhood of your creation.

Our new Polygon Search is almost ready for launch.  And it will allow our users to draw a shape on our Google Map and limit their home search to this very specific "neighborhood".  Pretty cool, right?  

We've had so many requests from people searching the Denver and Boulder regions for this type of feature that we just had to do something about it.  I'm proud to say that this feature is now in its testing phase and will be ready for launch shortly.

Thanks for your feedback!