About one year ago I heard this story in my Sunday school class. It really touched me and I thought it was a testament to the way God can and will work in our lives.
A single mother was at work one day when she got a call from the day care her 4-year-old daughter goes to. She was running a very high fever and needed to go to the doctor immediately. The mother who had been having an awful day at work already leaves work and rushes to the drug store on the way to get to the day care. She runs in gets some medicine for fever and runs out to her car where she discovers she has locked her keys in the car.
She is absolutely beside herself and begins to break down crying it could be a least an hour before she could get a locksmith out to help her she just doesn't know what to do.
A man notices her and walks up to her to ask her what is wrong. She tells him she has locked her keys in her car and her daughter is very sick and she needs to get to her. He walks back over to his vehicle comes back and within a minute her car is unlocked. She burst into tears and throws her arms around him and thanks him, telling him what a wonderful person he is.
The man looks down at her and says lady I am not a wonderful person I just got out of prison last week for stealing cars.
The woman, now sobbing uncontrollably looks up and says God not only did you send someone to help me but you sent a professional.