Well Mr and Mrs For Sale By Owner, All this ruckus about the real estate market and then new mortgage hoops to jump through mean that right now there's a 5000% chance that you've improperly priced your home. Oh yeah. That means that your home that you are selling because the mortgage is too high, or the home you are selling cause you must move, or because you are divorcing your spouse is now going to sit passed the average time (10 days is the lower end of the average for Everett, Washington Area when listed with a Realtor, or at least on some sort of listing site). What does this mean in plain English?
Your home will sit for four to six months guaranteed
Statistics indicate that you will eventually list with a Realtor
you will have to pay the expenses on that home for the additional time
You will most likely have to wait the time it takes you to realize that you need a helping hand (four to six months) plus the time it takes most Realtors to convince you of the right price (another four to six months).
In plain English it's expensive and time consuming to list your home. And it is simply throwing money away to list it at the wrong price. Ladies and Gents I guarantee you that your home is at the WRONG PRICE . You are personally involved in the home, and you do not have access most likely to the experience and information that a Realtor has.
Interview as many Realtors as possible. Meet with someone that is going to be honest with you. I have told clients and will continue to tell clients that it may not be the best time for them to sell given the price that they will be able to receive. I suggest contacting me and setting up an appointment. If your home is already on the market then it won't hurt to meet with a Realtor. If you are thinking about putting your home up for sale then it is IMPERATIVE that you make an appointment.
I will value your home for you for free and provide any forms or help you need. Why? Because it's win win for me.
-I know the value of the inventory in my area so it helps with buyers.
-Statistically you will end up listing with a Realtor eventually and if I am a non-pushy, resource to you, then you'll probably choose me.
-If you do not use me, you'll remember the handsome devil who was so helpful and maybe refer me.
Log on to www.raymondwilburn.com today!