Don't scratch your head as to why this Post starts with an empty Table-setting
...Read On!
On a recent Saturday, a lady of middle-age came across my wife at a Farmer's Market in Venice Florida, where she was hosting our weekly Young Living Essential Oil Booth. She thought she recognized my wife and with a glance at her ID Badge, put a name to the face! They used to work together sparingly at a Travel Agency in the little town of Pendleton Indiana, 25 years ago! Hugs-Hugs-Hugs!
Nothing terribly unusual about this encounter...YET, right!
I was on Desk Duty at Paradise Realty of Venice with my mind buried in a provocative Search when in bounced the Lady from Pendelton (as my wife had 'forced' her over to shock me, as well)...Hi...How can I help you this chilly day? "I used to send you off on trips", said she! HUH, I retorted, totally dumb-founded...You Did? It took a few back and forth's before I realized who she was as it has been 25 years. After a little re-acquaintance chit-chat, she dropped the 'bomb-shell."
"Do you remember doing some Handyman Repairs for me?"...Barely, I had to admit. "Well, while you were there that day, I must have mentioned that a man-friend was coming to dinner that night and you quickly noticed that I had the 2 place-settings on opposing sides of the table. Without any further-to-do you moved one of the settings over to be adjacent to the other!" {Amused was I, but so what?}
"I married the guy and we are in Florida on our 23rd anniversary!!! Had you not been so bold as to move my table settings, this bliss may not have happened!!!" MORE HUGS-HUGS-HUGS! I then met the husband who was waiting in the car; he looked familiar and was just as excited about meeting....THE TABLE SETTER!
Is There a Moral to the Post? Is it about being bold and sticking one's neck out... all the while watching for a cleaver?