According to California Regional Multiple Listing service (CRMLS)1340 single Family homes sold in Whittier in 2013. The Average home price was $401,690 with 1,505 Sq. ft. of living space. That compares with 2012 when 1506 Single family homes sold in 2012. The Average home price was $339,220 with 1,470 Sq. ft. of living space. Less homes for sale but higher prices. The average Days on the market was 79 days in 2012 compared to 53 days in 2013. Currently there are 183 Single Family homes for sale in Whittier. 2014 will continue to be a good time to sell your La Mirada home. Mike Crosby, ( pictured below) sold the pictured Whittier home for $423,000 in 2013.