This week hasn't been warm and fuzzy, to put it mildly.
And we still have 70ish days until official Spring starts.
How do you stave off the winter blues? Here are a few things I do, to get you started.
1. Spend more time in the sun. I know, I know. What sun? Well, there is sunshine out there even though it looks gray. Spend more time by windows. Sit under a skylight. Bundle up and spend a few minutes in what passes for daylight in Ohio. I promise you will feel better, because sunlight exposure (such as it is) releases neurotransmitters in the brain that will affect your mood - translation: go outside and you will automatically feel better.
2. Do something extra nice for yourself. Read a book, do some stretches, get a massage or a new haircut, try a new restaurant or make a new recipe, or tour a local place you haven't seen before...something unusual is going to help you take a mental break and put a fresh spring in your step.
3. Do something thoughtful and unexpected for someone else. Wave at all the cars you pass. Write a letter to a family member, even if you see them everyday. Pray for a person going through a hard time. Take soup to a neighbor. Make a donation. You could even do that as a way to pass the time on all 70 days. It can be free and it helps to realize you are making a difference in someone else's life.
4. Take a trip somewhere different. It doesn't have to be expensive or sunny, just different. Even planning a trip can have a wonderful effect on your mood. You might not even end up going there, but you will be transported by your research. Call friends who have been to your dream destination, read blogs, get brochures, look up airfares. And if it looks great, go!
5. Finally, change the way you eat and drink. My tips are avoid processed foods, drink half your weight in water, and watch how it improves your outlook! It's always a good time to be good to your body, and when you give your body the nutrition it needs, you avoid mood swings, depression and you improve your concentration and outlook.
Those are my five tips...I've lived in Ohio all my life, and I've finally come to embrace winter. More about fun things about Ohio winters to come.