
Building an online resource to cultivate relationships

Real Estate Agent with Fleetfoot Marketing

The initial focus of my busiess was rentals, which do not require a license in my state. Eventually, we began building the retail side of the business, which is complimented well by the thousands of rental relationships I have been able to build.

Something that I noticed recently is that one of my original blog posts about Downtown Wichita Lofts has been generating a note-worthy amount of traffic to my website every day. This page not only generates qualified traffic, but it usually sends me a couple renters a month, which is some of the easiest profit my business generates.

The reason I believe this page has performed so well is that its a valuable resource that can be used, regardless of wheter I earn the renter's business or not. The goal isn't only to generate business, but to provide a share-worthy resource that still has the ability to generate a return.

My goal for 2014 is to develop a real estate resource that is so valuable that everyone in my market will be able to use it in their home search. I have invested thousands of hours and dollars into developing this resource, but I want to wait until it is completed before I unveil it.

I believe the real trick to good real estate SEO is making valuable pages and resources that will encourage others to find, share, like, and link to your content. I don't believe in paying someone ridiculous amounts for empty promises or spending thousands upon thousands of hours trying to learn and apply SEO to your website with 0 return on investment.

I think it is much easier than most believe, but you have to plan on a bigger picture than generating a lead from every page or post that you put out. 

As times evolve, I believe that the online market will also, and the most important thing that I am learning to do is focus on building relationships through providing valuable resources instead of marketing myself with the intention of generating leads. As a result, the leads are coming in on their own, and everyone likes free leads, right?

I am still new to internet marketing and real estate, so we will see if my hypothesis is correct as time passes. 

Until then, best wishes for success in 2014! 


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Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Mike -  You are right about creating good online content.  You are off to a good start.

Jan 09, 2014 11:19 AM
Mike Baltierra
Rise Realty - Eastvale, CA
Full Service at Your Service Realtor-Eastvale CA

Build it and they will come. I did this with a rental website I had all kinds of info and got a lot of leads. Why I stopped? I don't know. I know what you are planning will work. Keep it up.

Jan 09, 2014 12:45 PM
Mike Gamache
Fleetfoot Marketing - Wichita, KS
Video Lead Generation from Fleetfoot Marketing

Thanks for the positive feedback Grant and Mike! I think one of the most important things I am learning is that it takes A LOT of work, but consistency and quality generate results. Now the trick is learning the most valuable uses of my time as I continue this pursuit. 

Jan 09, 2014 01:30 PM
Belinda Spillman
Optician - Aurora, CO
Colorado Living!

Mike,  It is amazing how SEO and internet presence can make a huge difference in our business success.

Sep 07, 2014 04:01 AM