Manage your email with just one really, (really) cool tool
I'm going to venture a guess that I'm not the only broker in town that has at some point in time, errantly clicked on a button or registered for a free newsletter or white paper only to find that by doing so, I may have given permission to receive daily, weekly and monthly newsletters, summaries, reminders, "recaps" of summaries, "executive summaries" of the recaps... You know what I mean! But I wonder. If these companies were to put a stamp on all of this stuff or to actually pay even a penny to the Internet vendor to disseminate each piece of outgoing mail - how much of this stuff do you think they would actually send or how much do you think they think actually is being read. Conversely, of all the "stuff " that you receive in your inbox, how much of it is truly informative or educational? Odds are, probably not too much.
With all the fires that I seem to put out each and every day (something I need to work on - it's not my monkey, but that damn thing keeps on jumping back on my shoulder ), sitting down for thirty minutes to write down and manage my email subscriptions is all but a pipe dream for me. For me, it's a no-brainer to simply delete unwanted email than it is to navigate to the sender's unsubscribe feature or update my account's email preferences. I do this at home too. I pluck weeds from the side walk when I get home, instead of just wiping the suckers out with one blast of Ortho-rid each month.
But then, I found . is a free service which allows you to clean up, consolidate, and manage your inbox by automatically unsubscribing from unwanted email subscriptions, discovering new ones and putting them all in one place. There's a lot of other neat features that the tool does, but the one drawback is that it only works on personal email accounts - not server-based email from what I can see. So if you get your email through godaddy or your brokerage, for instance, you'll need to forward it to an outlook or gmail account for to grab onto the sender addresses.
Take it for a spin - it's also easy to uninstall.