
Google now offers SEO services

Services for Real Estate Pros with The Virtual Link

Google has acquired DoubleClick Performics (  So what does this mean?  There's no sure-fire way to tell at this point, however I have heard both good, bad and indifferent comments regarding the acquisition.

Amongst talk groups, I've seen comment such as "who said a search engine optimization company couldn't guarantee rankings?" and "...the era where someone can rank a site strategically without Google financially benefitting from it is going to come to an end."

Others don't see it as anything to be worried about " seems to be one very minor part of the company, and very basic at that."  

One thing is for sure that a lot of SEO experts deem this to be somewhat of a conflict of interest...the question is, will Google consider it a conflict of interest?  If not, they should.  For a company such as Google to own a company that provides SEO services, no matter how small a part of the total operation of the business they acquired -  it would be highly unlikely that they would choose to continue with that path of the business.

While SEO is a small part of DoubleClick's offerings, we simply can not predict today what Google's intentions are with the company. 

But we will wait, and watch.

Courtney Cooper
Cooper Jacobs - Seattle, WA
Hi Anna - it does seem like a conflict, but I am not surprised at the same time...
Mar 19, 2008 06:33 AM
Bob Jakowinicz
National Realty Centers Livonia--Bob Jakowinicz - Livonia, MI
Michigan Real Estate Agent-- MI Real Adventures
First I have heard of this.  Thanks for the info Anna, this could get interesting.
Mar 19, 2008 06:34 AM
Katie Graham
Cherry Creek Properties, LLC - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate
Google still is interested in relevant rankings and not seo "tricks". We'll have to see how this plays out.
Mar 19, 2008 06:40 AM
Dwayne West
Atlanta Real Estate - Canton, GA
Canton Georgia Real Estate
I will also look forward to how things work out for Google in this deal that just closed out with Doubleclick.
Mar 19, 2008 06:44 AM
Carol Lee
Dilbeck Real Estate - Oak Park, CA
Realtor - Agoura, Oak Park, Westlake CA Homes
Sounds like the fox guarding the hen house!!
Mar 20, 2008 10:23 AM